3♦ - 3NT;
2D was an invitational or better raise, all else was natural.
Correspondent: West's percentage of error / Worst call
Collins: 0% / 3NT
Noble: 70% / 3D
Kevin: 100% / 3D
Randall: 20% / 3NT
Memphis MOJO: 90% / 3D
My vote: 85% / 3D
Consensus: West's percentage of error: 61%. Worst call: 3D.
Thanks for all the responses! I'll know who to turn to next time I have a disaster.
Ok my problem with laying it all on West is what happens if East's hand is only invitational? Say
Aren't you headed for minus one or two hundred in whatever benighted contract you land in after West bids 2H? Or can you really still stop at 3D?
So the two (theoretical) hands would be:
In inverted minor sequences (which I stopped playing a few years ago, for the most part) I would tend to get my hand off my chest ASAP as responder. With a balanced invitation, I'd rebid 2NT, and with an unbalanced invitation, I'd rebid 3m, so with me opposite me, I'd have bid:
1D - 2D!
2H - 3D
In my current methods, I'd bid the theoretical hands
1D - 2S [inv+ raise]
3D - P
1D - 2H [11-12 balanced]
3D - P
or even
1H* - 1N [semi-forcing]
2D - 2S [Impossible Spade]
3D - P
*Unconventional, I know, but it works!
Bidding the original hands
my current methods' auction:
1D - 3N [16-17, no 4 card major]
4D - 4S [cuebid; 4N would be signoff]
4N [heart cuebid] - 5C [cuebid]
5D - 6C
6D - P
or maybe
1H - 2D [GF]
3S [splinter] - 4C [cuebid]
4D [waiting] - 4H [keycard ask]
4S [1] - 5C [Queen ask]
5H [DQ and HK] - 6D
Opener is forced to splinter with 4+ in partner's suit and side shortness, even without extra values [check out http://www.doublesqueeze.com/2008/07/3-2-1-compact.html for a hand where I opened and splintered on 9 HCP!]; responder wants to put a slam in the 4-4 diamond fit rather than the 5[heh]-3 heart fit, so starts cueing for diamonds.
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